Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Blog Update

Here is a piece of from the annals of the Ryan Hill. It's title is: screaming man in cytochrome C.

Anyway this point of this is to say I will probably not post till the latter part of August from after this weekend. I have my thesis to write, which is proving very stressful. It was once said by a wise man "sometimes a scream is better than a thesis" - Ralph Waldo Emerson .

But on the plus side my parents are coming on the 7th of August and we are going on a little roadtrip so expect lots of blog photos and silliness (yes my sister is coming). I am super pumped (excited for you brits) about them coming and want as much of my thesis done before they come. I may have time for a silly photo update before then.

So catch you soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think this image pretty much sums up my whole graduate school experience. --ryan