Friday, 27 July 2007


A tale of two steaks.

Here we see an American male in his natural habitat. A native to North Carolinacestershire, but has spent time in the Steak capital of the world, Texas. After the Steak was wrestled from the freezer and thawed out, it was seasoned to within an inch of it's life with all kinds of goodies (I will be killed if I divulge the secret, and Ryan does a have a gun, well a BB gun...). These are the smaller variety of steak and not the 64 oz plate breakers found in Texas.

The colonial is happy to pose for the photograph, but is eager to get on with the grilling, or barbecuing as we Brits would say. They are clearly advanced in the art, as this specimen has a gas griller.

The simple meal consisted of steak, mashed sweet potato, beans, cornbread and pickled cucumber. It went down extremely well. Much better than the staple diet of synthesized food called 'McDonald's' that the larger locals tend to enjoy.


Unknown said...

mmmm....steaks! need more steaks. bob's perty good at mashing up sweet potaters; that part of the meal was totally his creation. i need this meal right now; get in my belly.

Biggsy said...

Ah...this investigation of the steak eating habits of common (or not so common) Americanus sapiens should have been published in Nature!