Sunday, 14 October 2007

NC State Fair - Racing Pigs

Here is the first post about about my visit to the North Carolina state fair. This is possibly the coolest thing ever. Racing Pigs and also goats and ducks! Only in NC! It was such good fun. It was packed and they were playing covers but in a country style such as Superstition by Stevie Wonder but with a Banjo... We were loving it.

Then it get all NASCAR getting people pumped about the race. It was pretty cool the guy telling us that they race for cheese doodles (wotsits for us Brits). I tell you they were bloody fast.
The first is of pot bellied pigs and the second is goats. Optional screaming by Andy Simnick. Well enjoy the videos.....

I even got the t-shirt.......

1 comment:

Biggsy said...

I never knew pigs were that competitive! Although looking at the vids it was a one pig contest.. the goats were more evenly matched!