Tuesday 1 April 2008

California: Death Valley and the wiggly road

After the bright lights of Las Vegas what do you do? San Fransisco of course. There are three routes, the normal route, the one via death valley and the one through death valley and the 'short cut' after that. We took the third option, as it had a nice looking wiggly road, and here is the way google tells you to go. This is the first time we got lost.

Actually we were not lost there, this was taken just after the superman pants picture. The drive was lovely through the deserts and we got to Death Valley safe and sound. Loz even got asked to settle a argument on how the 'British' say vi-ta-mins (vit-a-mins), by a gas station clerk. I was the one sweaty my ass off outside pumping the bloody gas, anyone would think he was on holiday....

We definitely visited at the right time of year. There was even greenery in places.

It is such a stunning landscape

The elevation extremes are crazy. Within hours we were 6000 ft above sea level.

Quite scary that it goes up to 55C

The second lowest point in the western hemisphere.

A little more like a desert now.

Furnace creek
I imagine in the summer not the coolest place on Earth but in march, crows and camper vans co-exist quite peacefully

My attempt at an Ansel Adams type photo......

This is actually part of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. I think the mountain shown here is about 12,000 ft, crazy.

This was taken near the start of the wiggly road as dusk. We are sure it was beautiful, it was a lot of fun going up and down the hills in the mustang, that made up for it.

We hit 6000 ft above sea level and back down to 200 at Fresno. Me being the geek I am opened the bottle at the top. The fiver makes it's first cheeky experience. This was a grueling 12 hour day. I racked up about 300 miles and Loz about 150, he drove a lot longer than I did.

This was an absolute awesome experience. California has some fantastic mountains and deserts, that isn't even the half of it. You could spend weeks just exploring them. I really do recommend it. Next stop San Francisco.

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