Monday 21 April 2008

California: Muir woods

Just a few miles north of San Francisco, over the Golden Gate bridge is an enclave of serenity that is known as Muir Woods. It is the closest area of preserved coastal redwoods. It really is worth the trip. This one was about 1000 years old when it was cut up, it is taller than me.

They are even more impressive while still standing

The light and dark is fantastic

You can see why it gets so dark, I think it looks like spider webs

These are only baby ones

A rare bit of sky

Flowers do grow on the floor even though it can be dark

I was wanting the Ewoks to come out from their hiding place

I have no idea which way this photo was meant to go, but I like it anyway

Apparently they have to close the park when these bad boys go. They are not allowed to move them once they fall or it will upset the ecosystem.

The loop we walked on had a little steam going through it

With some fallen trees too

A deer just chillin' on the road
Almost forgot the obligatory stand inside the big ass redwood and have your photo taken shot.....

It makes me look quite thin, eh?

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