Friday 25 January 2008


It's been a mad mad week in Durham, NC. As I posted a few days ago a duke Ph.D student was murdered. Since then there has been a spree of people being held up at gun point. This includes somebody in my research group. They think they have the people who did it according to WRAL. It has been a scary week and also a week of paranoia. It was pretty scary walking to the pub the other day as somebody was sat on a wall. I'm sure they had an innocent reason to be there and I have walked past this same wall with people on it maybe 100 times. The paranoia got to me and it went through my mind that I was going to get mugged and/or shot. They win if you start thinking like that.

What does need to be looked at is the divide in Durham of the haves (i.e. in general white people connected with duke) and the havenots (i.e. a lot of the African-American/Hispanic populations). While this is a big generalisation, it is for the most part sadly true. Durham could have so much to offer but people are scared of it. Everywhere else in the triangle is expensive. Downtown Durham could be so much fun... we just need one first, this in turn would create jobs and maybe take the emphasis off the great divide. I know it won't solve all the problems but it could be a start.

Anyways on a lighter note. It snowed last weekend, here is the view from my porch.

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