Saturday 2 February 2008


I am really looking forward to the Superbowl. After a few failed attempts of trying to see a Duke 'football' game. Mainly due to hangovers. I also tried to watch a few other American football games, including the one from London. I was pretty much confused by the whole thing. Then I watched the NFL playoffs a few weeks ago with my mate Nathan. Finally somebody explained the bloody thing to me and it's actually damn good to watch.

I kinda got all that malarky about touchdowns and field-goals etc. I was just generally confused about why it took so long for anything to happen and why they kept stopping. Then the simple rule of you have 4 tries (or downs) to get it 10 yards or you have to kick it to the other team was explained. Then it all made sense. It's just about moving the ball forward. Things like penalties change this. Also the clock is important. Now I kinda understand the basics it is a lot of fun to watch. It's violent, but also has tactics. I had the same thing with cricket a few years ago. Never understood that, then one day somebody explained it and I loved it.

I want the Giants to win tomorrow. So go Giants!

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